Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)

For the past few years i've been merrily playing casually, following build guides, learning mechanics, having fun.
Necropolis, with the introduction of t17s I took up the challenge to get better.
I have spent the last 3 months learning mechanics, trying different builds, spending thousands of chaos, hundreds of divines.
The result?
Constant and repeated failure.

Nothing got me closer to finishing a t17, no amount of knowledge and combination of items. I went the entire way around the passive skill tree, creating every class, trying different ascendencies, different combinations of skills, uniques, crafting decent rares.
Failure and frustration has been my reward for months of effort, repeatedly trying, constantly dying.
Each new build spending thousands of chaos with less survivability, less damage.
I had always steered away from this content but this league I gave it a go and it feels completely out of reach.

Build creators promote builds that are great concepts but I can never seem to get them to work at the level they can.
Content should be hard, i've appreciated the challenge, but I have just no idea where i've gone wrong.
This experience has removed all the fun from the game for me.

Last bumped on Jul 1, 2024, 10:35:10 AM

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2024, 9:06:16 AM

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Just support them more when they put PoE 1 in maintenance mode ;]

"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."

Last edited by Dxt44 on Jun 30, 2024, 11:03:44 AM

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (19)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2024, 11:03:37 AM

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Jixa87 wrote:

Build creators promote builds that are great concepts but I can never seem to get them to work at the level they can.
Content should be hard, i've appreciated the challenge, but I have just no idea where i've gone wrong.
This experience has removed all the fun from the game for me.

Yeah, t17s are way harder then they should be and it must be totally frustrating. Imo they totally f*cked up with it because no game content should be aimed at 5% of builds or 5% of player base. And considering they got nerfed already if I am not mistaken just shows how detached from reality people in ggg are.

That said, I have probably much less experience in game probably then you, but what I am sure of based on my experiences... Build guide is only good up to some point. I always start to be unhappy with it in more juiced t16s latest time. And at that point I start studying same build types of people on poeninja - to figure out what can be done differently and better. So that is what I would do in your place - get ideas and inspiration in poeninja and fiddle a bit with pob. If your type of build can run t17s people will be showing it off there for sure.

At this point I can run juiced, but still ofc carefully rolled t17s without major issues, but have 2 mmirrors worth build. And with LA i started to do ok there with close to mirror worth build. So entry barrier is terrible for some types of builds. Should be changed as this don't make sense at all.

Also, if you are putting so much effort into game you should level up to 100 - every point counts, right? Combo of domination scarab of teaching + shrines + optionally untainted allflames makes it now very doable.

Last edited by BadAssTom on Jun 30, 2024, 8:37:22 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (20)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2024, 8:26:28 PM

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BadAssTom wrote:

Also, if you are putting so much effort into game you should level up to 100 - every point counts, right? Combo of domination scarab of teaching + shrines + optionally untainted allflames makes it now very doable.

Once I realised t17s were out of reach, lv100 was my next goal.
I use shrines + breach and was getting about 3~4% per map, but I would die constantly. So I spent 500 chaos and stocked up on Omen of Amelioration.
Used them all, chewed through them like butter.
Even on t16s 20% white maps.

For reference, these are the builds I tried.
Energy Blade CoC -
Siege Ballista -
Arma Brand of Recall -
Hexblast Miner -
Frozen Legion -
Splitting Steel -
EDIT: Added the others
Herald of Thunder
Flicker Strike (2H) -
Flicker Strike (DW) -
Skeletal Mages -
PCONC Bouncing -
Righteous Fire -
Holy Relic of Conviction -

I had a fun flicker strike and herald of thunder build but those, i knew, were meme builds.

Can't say I didn't give it a go.

Last edited by Jixa87 on Jun 30, 2024, 10:22:56 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (21)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2024, 9:59:35 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (22)

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This will get the job done for you. The clear sucks and you will still die some. You will get completions fairly easily. This shouldn't be too much in sc.

I agree, t17s suck. If they're going to have inc currency and scarab lines on maps they need to drip feed that starting at t11. not be 0% inc curr and scarabs on t16 and 150+% in t17s. makes no sense for a spike in drops.

That being said they're not hard on sc overall. They're not fun either, there are just a few mobs that will insta delete you with the right map mods/rare mods

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (39)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2024, 11:00:01 PM

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I have never played any of these - in fact I played de facto really only 2 builds and third one I just tickled. But if you are constantly dying in non magic t16s then there is something not right with build on level 95. Occasional death sure, but not that many that you are not able to level up.

I was already thinking that I might try hexblast next league myself as it seems to be very popular build and I saw some video where someone was saying that it is much cheaper to make it work in even t17s then for example LA. I just looked at yours in PoB and despite not having clue what I should be checking it seems fine at first glance, but... Imo it doesn't have neither too impressive damage (although damage is probably ok) nor good defense. Probably optimized build should have at least one of those two aspects, right? 15K ehp seems pretty low to me (if config set to not a boss) and especially 5K max phys hit doesn't feel right. 4K chaos also not good, but if noone is doing chaos damage it don't matter.

I also just briefly checked poeninja and seems to me that people generally build it differently. I see only 7 people (level 95+) in total who have only ghost dance + eldritch battery keystones as you do.

Also I see that hexblast can reach amazing damage although probably with sh*tty defense - like this one? -
or complete oppositte it can have also pretty solid defense in cost of some damage like here? -

There are actually lots of variations of hexblast as I just saw.

I don't know, I think you could fine tune concretely that build quite a lot. Are you checking builds on poeninja and working with it?

I really can't tell you what is not right with any of your builds as I don't know them. But for sure you shouldn't be dying very often in t16s with fairly optimized build. If you give it another go I think you will figure it out man. Or next league!

Last edited by BadAssTom on Jun 30, 2024, 11:13:25 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (41)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2024, 11:12:46 PM

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BadAssTom wrote:

Also I see that hexblast can reach amazing damage although probably with sh*tty defense

That's what drew me in, but every unique is required to reach that level of damage. None of the uniques provide you with any life.
So you basically walk around with 2k life, you have to be extremely meticulous with where you are positioned, 100% of the time, do not look away from the screen, do not lose concentration. Stand still for more than a second, insta death.
So I modified the build a little, took inspiration from poeninja to try and focus on defence and the entire dps just disappears and the build is pointless.

eHP is a trap, if you have a million armour but no regen dead, you can have all the leech but if you're not hitting anything or the 1 singular mob is immune to leech, dead. Which is what I found out playing the splitting steel.
If your life pool is small and you aren't crit resistant, one mob will crit you dead.
It's no surprise you need different layers of defense but i've not found a combination that works for me.


Lonnie455Rich wrote:
This will get the job done for you.

Appreciate the build, is there no build that can do t17s without adorned?
This league has been my best chance of doing this content, with mageblood and progenesis, riches falling from the sky but none of that helped.

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (42)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2024, 11:31:14 PM

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Jixa87 wrote:


BadAssTom wrote:

Also I see that hexblast can reach amazing damage although probably with sh*tty defense

That's what drew me in, but every unique is required to reach that level of damage. None of the uniques provide you with any life.
So you basically walk around with 2k life, you have to be extremely meticulous with where you are positioned, 100% of the time, do not look away from the screen, do not lose concentration. Stand still for more than a second, insta death.
So I modified the build a little, took inspiration from poeninja to try and focus on defence and the entire dps just disappears and the build is pointless.

eHP is a trap, if you have a million armour but no regen dead, you can have all the leech but if you're not hitting anything or the 1 singular mob is immune to leech, dead. Which is what I found out playing the splitting steel.
If your life pool is small and you aren't crit resistant, one mob will crit you dead.
It's no surprise you need different layers of defense but i've not found a combination that works for me.


Lonnie455Rich wrote:
This will get the job done for you.

Appreciate the build, is there no build that can do t17s without adorned?
This league has been my best chance of doing this content, with mageblood and progenesis, riches falling from the sky but none of that helped.

Im not sure. I built it without adorned but i dont have the nerve to do t17s with it in hc. Degens are scary. shaper beam was the first thing that moved my hp and its kept me afraid to touch t17s.

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (60)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2024, 11:47:43 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (61)

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Jixa87 wrote:

Appreciate the build, is there no build that can do t17s without adorned?
This league has been my best chance of doing this content, with mageblood and progenesis, riches falling from the sky but none of that helped.

I'm was running t17 from day 5 (so before t17 were nerfed) with poison srs without adorned. There are few mods I avoid but in general t17 are easy.

Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (62)

Posted by
on Jul 1, 2024, 12:48:26 AM

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Jixa87 wrote:


BadAssTom wrote:

Also I see that hexblast can reach amazing damage although probably with sh*tty defense

Appreciate the build, is there no build that can do t17s without adorned?

Your thread inspired me to try T17 on my current SSF SC build (not good for this, WIP, kind of a failed build) and I tried 2: Ziggurat & Abomination. Both rolled easy with Shrines & Atlas stuff. I managed to beat both but with some deaths to the bosses. Only bosses (and Syndicate maybe) were hard, rest of the maps was easy, no Allflames used. Shrines didnt seem to help much because I didnt have enough DPS for them to last long enough for the bosses. And Im bad with bosses/bossing in general. No Adorned, Mageblood, Progenesis or any other rare high value uniques. Do not recommend this build for T17 though. You want something with strong automatic DPS (do not have on this build) and good survival (do have on this build).

If you still want to give it a try you can probably do it with something suitable easy to build & play like Artillery Ballista Hierophant. You may want to ask for build advice though, I have looked at your Hierophant some time in the recent past and I thought it unsurprising that it doesnt perform. AB Hierophant was my #1 choice in terms of easily accessible power in SC SSF but I didnt want to play it so I did BAMA Guardian. Probably also a good choice. (Unlike my current Absolution of Inspiring selfcaster - do not copy.)


Nomancs wrote:


Jixa87 wrote:

Appreciate the build, is there no build that can do t17s without adorned?
This league has been my best chance of doing this content, with mageblood and progenesis, riches falling from the sky but none of that helped.

I'm was running t17 from day 5 (so before t17 were nerfed) with poison srs without adorned. There are few mods I avoid but in general t17 are easy.

Nomancs Poison SRS may also be good but I do not have good understanding of that build and I would warn that Nomancs may be a highly skilled player. So if you are not (a highly skilled player) I wouldnt quite trust this "easy" claim without proper explanation. (And in similar fashion my "easy" claim above may also be misleading but I dont recommend that build anyway.)

No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!

Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (74)

Posted by
on Jul 1, 2024, 2:32:22 AM

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Feedback and Suggestions - Necropolis Feedback - This league made me quit... I don't see myself coming back - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)
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