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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

Older Americans Are Stashing Thousands Around The House. Here's Why This Practice Can Lead To Lost Wealth

Serah Louis Fri, June 14, 2024

Adrienne Volpe almost threw out her grandmother’s collection of books after she passed away — a decision that could have lost her a small fortune.

“My grandmother had pressed thousands of dollars in single bills inside books,” Volpe told the New York Times (NYT), recounting how she thought she would find autumn leaves within the pages instead.

Volpe’s grandmother had stashed about $10,000 in bills as small as $20 within her books.

Children and grandchildren of older Americans report finding hidden cash and valuables in their loved ones’ homes after they die — like under the mattress or even inside a freezer — due to mistrust in financial institutions.

Older Americans Are Stashing Thousands Around The House. Here's Why This Practice Can Lead To Lost Wealth

Serah Louis Fri, June 14, 2024

Adrienne Volpe almost threw out her grandmother’s collection of books after she passed away — a decision that could have lost her a small fortune.

“My grandmother had pressed thousands of dollars in single bills inside books,” Volpe told the New York Times (NYT), recounting how she thought she would find autumn leaves within the pages instead.

Volpe’s grandmother had stashed about $10,000 in bills as small as $20 within her books.

Children and grandchildren of older Americans report finding hidden cash and valuables in their loved ones’ homes after they die — like under the mattress or even inside a freezer — due to mistrust in financial institutions.

But this practice can lead to potential wealth-building losses and complications for your loved ones after you pass.

Why You Risk Losing Money By Storing It In The Sofa

While you might have concerns about fraudsters accessing your bank account and siphoning funds from your savings — there are plenty of risks in leaving bundles of cash at home as well.

Experts note that your valuables could get stolen, destroyed by a disaster, like a fire, or even pocketed or misused by a family member. Plus, you could lose out on potential wealth-building opportunities by not investing this money and benefiting from compound interest growth.

“The lost interest — it probably would have been double, just by having it in the bank all these years versus having it in the bottom of a closet,” said Patrick Simasko, an estate lawyer in Mount Clemens, Michigan, who once uncovered nearly half a million dollars in cash and gold in the home of an older client who had hired him to execute her estate.

Some professionals say they often see this cash hoarding behavior among baby boomers and the silent generation — particularly those who grew up during the Great Depression and the bank failures of the 1930s.

However, Mark Criner III, senior trust strategist for Baird Trust in Scottsdale, Arizona, noted that some folks from certain minority communities are prone to this practice as well.

“That’s borne of minorities’ lack of access to these institutions for decades, and even when there was access, there was a lot of abuse,” Crimer told the NYT. “They weren’t always treated fairly or dealt with honestly.”

Problems For Your Loved Ones After You Pass

To Read More Go To Original Article Here:


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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


CandyKisses: Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATMs in its main branches

15 JUNE 2024 15:07 Baghdad - Iraq Today:

Rafidain Bank announced the start of the deployment of ATMs in its main branches.

His media office said in a statement that "the bank has started deploying ATMs in its main branches, and then institutions, commercial areas and malls, respectively," noting that "this is in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank's services in accordance with the strategy of Al-Rafidain to enhance financial inclusion and provide the best services to its customers."


CandyKisses: Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATMs in its main branches

15 JUNE 2024 15:07 Baghdad - Iraq Today:

Rafidain Bank announced the start of the deployment of ATMs in its main branches.

His media office said in a statement that "the bank has started deploying ATMs in its main branches, and then institutions, commercial areas and malls, respectively," noting that "this is in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank's services in accordance with the strategy of Al-Rafidain to enhance financial inclusion and provide the best services to its customers."

Tishwash: Al-Sudani: The Iraqi government is following a new approach aimed at activating the private sector

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Saturday, that his government is following a new approach in its program aimed at activating the private sector in Iraq and achieving equality between it and the public sector in rights and social security.

This came during his meeting today with a number of young graduates from Dhi Qar Governorate, as part of his sovereignty’s communication with the youth, following up on their demands and listening to their vision, according to a statement issued by the Iraqi government.

At the beginning of the meeting, Al-Sudani touched on the fact that Dhi Qar possesses the elements of economic advancement, human resources and investment opportunities that go beyond its borders, stressing that the government guarantees the right to peaceful demonstration and the protection of demonstrators on the path of communicating demands and publicizing rights, in a way that does not negatively affect the work of projects and civil services.

He pointed out that the government is following a new approach in its program aimed at activating the private sector, to create more basic job opportunities in the continuation of economic development and advancement and efforts to attract investments, as well as working towards achieving equality with the public sector in rights, social security, distribution of residential lands, and others.

The Iraqi Prime Minister asked the young graduates to present their vision and demands, and propose solutions, especially with regard to comments regarding youth employment offices. In order to contribute to supporting the stability of the governorate and creating sustainable and productive development, attracting employment requests and cooperating in meeting them between public and private sector institutions and investment projects.

Al-Sudani directed the provision of a special program from the “Riyada” initiative to care and support youth, allocated to Dhi Qar Governorate, in proportion to the population ratios. In order to grant loans to emerging, small and medium enterprises, as well as directing government banks to grant operational loans, and giving priority to young people, graduates, qualified people, and certificate holders. link


CandyKisses: Parliament hints at a "revolution" in the completion of laws in the new legislative term - urgent

Baghdad Today - Baghdad

Today, Saturday (June 15, 2024), MP for the Fatah Alliance, Salem Al-Anbaki, confirmed that the new legislative term of the House of Representatives will witness a revolution to legislate laws.

Al-Anbaki told Baghdad Today that "there is a parliamentary consensus to focus the new legislative chapter to legislate important laws and stalled for political, technical or legal reasons, and we will witness a revolution to legislate a large number of laws."

He pointed out that "the Presidency of the House of Representatives directed all parliamentary committees to inventory their laws so that they are included on the schedules of the next legislative sessions and with the aim of voting on them, especially since there are approximately (140) Laws that need a vote in the House of Representatives, some of which have been suspended since previous parliamentary sessions."

Political forces are working to block important laws due to the great controversy. These laws represent as a result of being fateful reports, especially the "Oil and Gas" law and the "Federal Court".

The first legislative term of the second legislative year ended on June 10, after the term was extended from May 10.


CandyKisses: The start of the escalation of pilgrims to the "Arafat" hair in preparation for the great stop tomorrow

Baghdad Today - Follow-up

With the sunset of the eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the escalation of pilgrims began to Arafat, in preparation for standing tomorrow, Saturday, at its pure level, and the best day when the sun rose, to perform the greatest pillar of Hajj , which is to stand on its level, and whoever missed Arafat missed the Hajj.

While the process of escalation to Arafat's shrine will be through the Mashaer train, which accommodates 72,000 passengers per hour, in addition to 12,000 buses that carry out a frequency system to transport pilgrims through organized routes and a well-thought-out plan.

The Day of the Great Stand

And tomorrow is Saturday The ninth of Dhul-Hijjah "the day of the great stand" performing the noon and afternoon prayers in short and plural, then they begin to leave heading to Muzdalifah to stay overnight, and then move from it to Mina to complete the rituals of Hajj.

The area of Arafat is about 33 square kilometers, in which more than two million pilgrims gather, as the past decades and over the years have proven the ability of the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques - may God protect him - to accommodate More than these numbers, providing them with all amenities and security, and distinguished service without the pilgrim feeling hardship.

Arafat hairy

The land of Arafat is characterized by its levelness, surrounded by a series of mountains in the north of which there is Mount of Mercy, which consists of a small flat surface and wide area formed of hard stones of a large black color, and its length is 300 meters, and its circumference is 640 meters and the base of the mountain rises from the surrounding ground by 65 meters and there is a 7- meter-high sign on the top of the mountain, and this mountain is called by many names such as Jabal El, Mount Repentance, Mount Dua'a, Al-Nabit, and Jabal Al-Qurain.

Pilgrims look forward to standing on the "Mount of Mercy" in Arafat during their performance of Hajj rituals in honor of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him), who stood on him and delivered his farewell sermon, and Pilgrims are keen to pray and pray to God Almighty for mercy and forgiveness.

Mot: ... Great Gift fur Fathers Day it is!!! Fathers day hearing aid

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (2)

Mot: .. Always Check ~~~~~Ceiling fan

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (3)

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MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Weekend News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Good morning Mark, mods & RVers!

Member: I hope you’re having a beautiful day

Member: June 15th 1917: U.S. Congress passes the Espionage Act during World War I.

Member: is it true what Melanie Hinds is saying? she said the RV was last night

Weekend News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Good morning Mark, mods & RVers!

Member: I hope you’re having a beautiful day

Member: June 15th 1917: U.S. Congress passes the Espionage Act during World War I.

Member: is it true what Melanie Hinds is saying? she said the RV was last night

MZ: I don’t know that I would say the RV was last night….But, it appears there was great progress on the bond side. A circular went out and a number of funds was supposedly released. I am waiting to verify that with 2 of my bond contacts, but the prevailing rumor is the 1% was released last night for the historic bonds.

MZ: IF true this should kick off a cascade event……it is very exciting. There was big chatter overnight on the bond side about the releases….I am getting this from many, many sources from Reno.

MZ: We may be days away from us getting our notices.

Member: Nothing published in the Iraqi Gazette! Yet

MZ: I reached out to a contact in Iraq to find out if the budget was published in Iraq…and did not get a response. This surprises me as I was expecting some kind of serious movement. I am hearing they are adjusting their budget for the price of oil in it….and there was a expectation of a rate change in there as well.

MZ: If I get confirmations I will do a post on all of the social medias.

Member: Frank's video last night reported ATMs popping up in Iraq for the new lower denomination notes.

Member: Is it necessary for Iraq to publish the rate in the budget before we make appointments?

MZ: I do not think it’s necessary. I believe they will try to keep the rate private as long as possible like what they did with Kuwait.

Member: A banker from Louisiana financing a project up here in Niagara county, New York told by my brother the mayor in an local city, that he expects us to be wealthy this week.

Member: Wolverine call said Zurich and Columbia ,Brazil has their bonds paying out

MZ: I am hearing similar news.

Member: Im new. How do we get notices of an RV?

MZ: You will not miss it. Sign up for Dinar Recaps or other Dinar sites. You will be seeing new money and new systems on all the news …..

Member: Will you still be sharing exchange info for us Mark?

MZ: I am still being told I have permission to share all details on the exchange.

Member: I have NEVER understood the differences between the Tier levels. can you explain them??

MZ” Tiers are our way of breaking it down as to what order things get paid. If its done in the wrong order things wouldn’t work because there would not be liquidity in the markets…Tier 3 is where they settle old bills…CMKX, historic bonds ecct…….Tier 4A have already turned in their currency to groups and have SKR’s (safe keeping receipts) and are waiting for the rate to change. We are in tier 4b and we have our currency still in our hands waiting to exchange. .

Member: I had this saved…. There are 5 Tiers of folks Exchanging. Tier 1-governments and royalty Tier 2-whales-elite with platforms of currency, corporations, etc. Tier 3-Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups (like the Mormons), etc. Tier 4-all the hundreds of thousands paying attention to intel - internet groups(all of us). Tier 5- those who never paid attn - the general public.

MZ: Another bank story…..I will be sanitizing it for security…..This person went to a local 5th/3rd bank to empty their safety deposit box. With all the Federal Reserve shenanagans they did not trust having gold , jewelry whatever in the box should something happen and the bank was shut down.

Anyway They asked one of the bank employees if they exchanged foreign currency at this branch? He said “Yes, they have a machine to scan it and make the conversion and deposit it into our accounts. The balance would be available the very next day” He asked what currency I have and I said The IQD and the VND….and he asked me to wait while he asked the manager about those. He came back shortly and said “Yes, they will be able to convert those foreign currencies here” and said “Come with me”

He led them to the safety deposit exam room close to the vault and closed the door then logged into a computer using official credentials and accessed the currency exchange screen. Those currencies did not show up. While he was searching he chatted about the Federal Reserve and how the IRS is now under the US Treasury. He confirmed that the US dollar would be changing to gold backed but did not say when. My mouth was hanging open…..They knew all about it.

MZ: More and more bankers are coming up to speed. IMO this is pretty exciting.

Member: I'm thinking we're out of this debt slavery this week. let's get the party started!

Member: Could Juneteenth be the day we end debt slavery?????

MZ: Yes our income tax is a form of slavery…..

Member: Happy Father's day to all the dads and the single moms, who play both roles!

Member: Happy Father's Day Weekend to All Father's !

Member: Have a great weekend people and fingers crossed


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



GUYS YOU CAN FIND ALOT OF INFO AT MARK'S WEBSITE: GO TO: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

ZESTER'S LINK TREE: https://linktr.ee/CrazyCryptonaut



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 15 June 2024

CompiledSat. 15 June 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset

Fri. 14 June 2024 MarkZ: “They are looking at Saturday night 15 June 2024.”

Fri. 14 June 2024 Mike Bara: “A certain “Bondholder” has not been paid. He is, however, seeing test deposits made to his account, and fully expects to be paid tomorrow Sat. 15 June 2024. Fingers crossed.”

Thurs. 13 June 2024 Bruce: Military Sources say that Notifications for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) and Bond Holders were to come out and the new Iraqi Dinar Rate be published in the Iraqi Gazette by Sat. 15 June 2024.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 15 June 2024

CompiledSat. 15 June 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset

Fri. 14 June 2024 MarkZ: “They are looking at Saturday night 15 June 2024.”

Fri. 14 June 2024 Mike Bara: “A certain “Bondholder” has not been paid. He is, however, seeing test deposits made to his account, and fully expects to be paid tomorrow Sat. 15 June 2024. Fingers crossed.”

Thurs. 13 June 2024 Bruce: Military Sources say that Notifications for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) and Bond Holders were to come out and the new Iraqi Dinar Rate be published in the Iraqi Gazette by Sat. 15 June 2024.

Thurs. 13 June 2024 Wolverine: “I’ve been told by some very, very high sources to be patient – that this is happening. We just have to wait our turn. It will happen in a matter of days. It has been confirmed that the release of funds for currency swaps and historical asset swaps began after 12:00 a.m. on Tues. 11 June. These released funds will become liquid once the 800 holder numbers and emails are released.

Wed. 12 June 2024 TNT Tony: “They want this done by Sat. 15 June 2024. Banks are expecting to work this weekend. Iraq has country wide celebration planned for Sun. 30 June.”


Federal Reserve Closing, GESARA Being Implemented:

Benjamin Fulford writes and mentions the Philippines has 90% of the world’s gold as HRM QR told us long ago. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-529_1b7d.pdf

For this reason, US banks affiliated with the Federal Reserve Board closed 79 branches in just six weeks, bringing the total number to over 400 in 2024.

The fall of the Federal Reserve Board and its U.S. corporation is why the secret war over what should replace it has intensified.

One faction is the GESARA group, whose plans, as David Wilco*ck reports on his Telegram channel, are as follows:

GESARA (Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) was enacted to be implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world in accordance with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change signed in 2015, starting with the restored Republic of the United States, known as NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act).

NESARA cancels all credit card, mortgage and other bank debts incurred through illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee year” or complete debt cancellation. Abolishes the federal income tax in the United States. Establishes a flat 17% tax rate on non-essential new items that represent only sales tax revenue for the government…Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with IRS employees being transferred to the U.S. Department of the Treasury….Introduces restores constitutional law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrain all judges and lawyers in constitutional law. Remove all dark cabal agents, administration officials, and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their consistent unconstitutional actions.

However, Pentagon sources report a “rainbow U.S. note ready to be floated for the U.S. economy to weather the storm of the end of the U.S. dollar. It will be backed by gold and confiscated assets. It is also backed by the gold of Taiwan and the gold borrowed from the Chinese elders of the Philippines, who own 90% of the world’s gold, to celebrate an anniversary and to pay off debts worldwide.”

Meanwhile, BIS controllers of the current financial system say: “Around 135 countries and monetary unions, representing 98% of global GDP, are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).” https://www.reuters.com/technology/saudi-arabia-joins-bis-led-central-bank-digital-currency-trial-2024-06-05/

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/06/15/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-15-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Mnt Goat ...Iraq’s exit from the list of “high-risk countries" ...was officially announced by the International Task Force (FATF) last week. Yes, “the writing is on the wall” now as this is the BEST news...Iraq’s exit from the list of high-risk countries could not get any better. They are slowly clearing the way to the reinstatement, one obstacle at a time...They were not about to release the currency back to FOREX with this in place...WOW! WOW! WOW! news for us today

6-14-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Did you see...Iraq and Kuwait are now linking with their fiber optics? This is extremely important part of the monetary reform...They know it's no longer a secret what is happening with the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

Buckeyetree Iraq continues to transform into the modern era with banking and now fiber optics. With security and stability and safety (banking laws against terrorism and corruption), investors / companies will find a good environment to do business...Praying with the blessings to be realized that this will be in the coming "days" or sooner. Big plans for an improved Iraq and for ministries.

Iraq Oil Prices Sky Rocket, But Can They Keep Going?

Nader: 6-14-2024


Iraq Gets New ATMs rolled out by Rafidian Banks

Nader: 6-14-2024


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Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Late Friday Evening 6-14-24

Al-Rafidain Begins Deploying ATM Machines In Its Main Branches Economy | 12:31 - 06/14/2024 Today, Friday, Rafidain Bank announced the start of deploying ATM machines in its main branches. His media office stated in a statement received by Mawazine News, “The bank has begun deploying ATM machines in its main branches and then institutions, commercial areas, and malls, respectively.” He added, "This is in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank's services in accordance with Al-Rafidain's strategy to enhance financial inclusion and provide the best services to its customers."

Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Late Friday Evening 6-14-24

Al-Rafidain Begins Deploying ATM Machines In Its Main Branches
Economy | 12:31 - 06/14/2024 Today, Friday, Rafidain Bank announced the start of deploying ATM machines in its main branches.

His media office stated in a statement received by Mawazine News, “The bank has begun deploying ATM machines in its main branches and then institutions, commercial areas, and malls, respectively.”

He added, "This is in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank's services in accordance with Al-Rafidain's strategy to enhance financial inclusion and provide the best services to its customers." https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=249686

Oil Jumps To $83 Per Barrel
Economy | 07:26 - 06/14/2024 Baghdad - Mawazine News Brent crude futures prices rose on Friday, and are heading towards recording their best weekly performance in more than four months after expectations of growth in demand for crude oil and fuel this year.

Brent crude futures rose 53 cents to $83.28 a barrel by 1356 GMT. US West Texas Intermediate crude futures also rose 41 cents to $79.03 per barrel.

The two benchmarks gained approximately 4.5 percent during the week, which will push Brent to record its highest weekly rise since the week ending February 9. US West Texas Intermediate crude is also heading towards achieving its largest weekly rise since the week ending April 5. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=249709

Basra Crude Prices Exceed The Global Decline

Money and business Economy News – Baghdad Basra heavy and medium crude prices rose today, Thursday, despite the decline in global oil prices.

Basra Heavy crude prices rose 60 cents to reach $80.28, and Basra Medium crude prices rose 60 cents to reach $83.13.

Global oil prices fell as investors digested the news that the US central bank chose not to cut interest rates in the near future. Views 75 06/13/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=44280

Economists Call For Enhancing Non-Oil Revenues

Economical Baghdad: the mainstay of the emirate Economic affairs specialists called for thenecessity of working to enhance non-oil revenues and reduce dependence on oil in a manner consistent with economic reforms.

The specialist in economic affairs, Dr. Ahmed Al-Rawi, explained to “Al-Sabah” that

“oil is affected by variables as it is one of the strategic commodities, regardless of supply and demand, and

the factors affecting oil prices can be identified, including political, economic, and factors resulting from conflicts and security disturbances.

Because of its international and strategic importance,oilis considered acausal commodity.”

Foreconomic activityoreveninfluencingpolitical decisionsthat may lead tochanging the positions of many countries towards rising prices.

Regarding public budgets, Al-Rawi believes that

“it has become necessary to take practical measures regarding reconsidering public budgets away from rentier expectations and raising all forms of unnecessary public expenditures.”

Activatingnon-oil revenue systems, such as the system oftaxesandpublic fees, andrevitalizing economic sectorsso that the budget becomes capable ofproviding job opportunitiesfor theyoung workforceanddiversifying incomes, as well as developing oil production in proportion to spare capacity.

Theexpert called for achieving stability in the growth of the general budget by adopting a rate that is compatible with the annual growth rate of the gross domestic product and not making the development of the budget linked to oil revenues.

For her part, the Dean of the Faculty of Business Economics at Al-Nahrain University, Dr. Nagham Hussein, explained in a statement to “Al-Sabah” that

“not Thestability of oil revenues generates complications in financial policy in the short and long term, and

they are linked to a number of fundamental issues, including the relative importance of the oil sector in the national economy.

Prices fluctuate, so thefocusmust first be on thelong termandattention

to thefair distributionofresourcesand burdens.” https://alsabaah.iq/98237-.html

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

Without the burden of afflictions it is impossible to reach the height of grace. The gift of grace increases as the struggles increase. -Saint Rose of Lima

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. -Frank Leahy

The effects of opposition are wonderful. There are men who rise refreshed on hearing of a threat, men to whom a crises, which intimidates and paralyzes the majority, comes as graceful and beloved as a bride! -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Remember that the Devil doesn't sleep, but seeks our ruin in a thousand different ways -Angela Merici

Down you mongrel, Death! Back into your kennel! -Edna Saint Vincent Millay

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skills. Our antagonist is our helper. -Edmund Burke

The block of granite which was an obstacle in the path of the weak becomes a steppingstone in the path of the strong. -Thomas Carlyle



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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks DINARRECAPS8

More Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 6-14-24

Good EveningDinar Recaps,

G7 vows to drop fossil fuels faster, but activists unimpressed -Swiss Info Channel


How the U.S.-China Trade War Is Delivering Big Wins for Mexico |WSJ

Do you remember back at the first of the year, and even late last year, when we said that the peso would rise? © Goldilocks


Putin voices support for Turkey’s desire to join BRICS during talks with Fidan -Turkish Minute

More Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 6-14-24

Good EveningDinar Recaps,

G7 vows to drop fossil fuels faster, but activists unimpressed -Swiss Info Channel


How the U.S.-China Trade War Is Delivering Big Wins for Mexico |WSJ

Do you remember back at the first of the year, and even late last year, when we said that the peso would rise?

© Goldilocks


Putin voices support for Turkey’s desire to join BRICS during talks with Fidan -Turkish Minute


KFC Attacked in Baghdad! |Youtube


Iraq and Japan discuss projects to produce energy from waste and sustainable management in agriculture and water –Iraq News Gazette


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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20


Friday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


Friday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


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Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps 20

The Looming Financial System Collapse from Industry Offshoring Explained

On June 10, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Bringing the catastrophic consequences of moving our industry overseas into the light

I read a very detailed and eye-opening article recently with profound cause and effect analysis resulting in a strong possibility for an inevitable financial system collapse.

The original article is long and detailed (with lots of charts) but I will do my best to summarize the key information below.

The unique blogsite “Our Finite World“, contends that the offshoring of industrial production, initially seen as a cost-saving and pollution-reducing strategy, has introduced significant global financial risks.

The Looming Financial System Collapse from Industry Offshoring Explained

On June 10, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Bringing the catastrophic consequences of moving our industry overseas into the light

I read a very detailed and eye-opening article recently with profound cause and effect analysis resulting in a strong possibility for an inevitable financial system collapse.

The original article is long and detailed (with lots of charts) but I will do my best to summarize the key information below.

The unique blogsite “Our Finite World“, contends that the offshoring of industrial production, initially seen as a cost-saving and pollution-reducing strategy, has introduced significant global financial risks.

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (4)

As fossil fuel supplies deplete and prices spike, the economic foundation of offshored industrialization becomes unstable. This instability is exacerbated by geopolitical tensions, supply chain vulnerabilities, and growing economic disparities.

The reliance on international trade for essential resources creates a precarious situation where spiking energy costs lead to inflation and reduced production.

High levels of debt and the volatility of global energy markets further increase the likelihood of a financial collapse, revealing the hidden dangers of moving major industries overseas.

In This Article

  • The Beginnings of Offshoring and Its Driving Forces

  • Energy’s Crucial Role in Industrialization

  • The Unintended Consequences of Moving Industry Overseas

  • Potential Financial Collapse Due to Industrial Offshoring

Offshoring industrialization once seemed like a promising strategy for economic growth. However, this practice is now creating significant financial risks globally. As fossil fuel supplies dwindle and geopolitical tensions rise, the world faces the potential for a severe financial collapse.

The Beginnings of Offshoring and Its Driving Forces

Industrial offshoring began in the United States in 1974, triggered by the oil price spikes of 1973-1974. Moving industries overseas helped reduce costs and pollution domestically while providing cheaper goods for American consumers. However, this strategy relied heavily on stable, affordable fossil fuel supplies and cooperative international trade relationships.

Energy’s Crucial Role in Industrialization

Industrial production is deeply rooted in the use of fossil fuels. While electricity plays a role, fossil fuels are essential for generating the high heat required in manufacturing processes. As fossil fuel prices fluctuate and supplies become less certain, the economic foundation of offshored industrialization weakens.

The Unintended Consequences of Moving Industry Overseas

  1. Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fragility of global supply chains, leading to shortages and empty shelves.

  2. Geopolitical Tensions: Countries that control essential resources are less inclined to trade, increasing geopolitical conflicts.

  3. Economic Disparities: Offshoring has contributed to wage and wealth disparities, as high-paying industrial jobs disappeared in advanced economies.

Potential Financial Collapse Due to Industrial Offshoring

The reliance on international trade and fossil fuels has made the global economy vulnerable. Spiking fossil fuel prices, geopolitical conflicts, and the inherent instability of supply chains create a precarious situation. As a result, there is a significant risk of financial collapse. Here’s why:

  1. Price Instability: Fossil fuel prices spike when supplies are constrained, leading to economic volatility.

  2. Reduced Production: Without sufficient fossil fuels, industrial output declines, resulting in fewer goods and services.

  3. Inflation: Rising energy costs contribute to inflation, reducing consumers’ purchasing power and economic stability.

  4. Debt Levels: High levels of debt combined with economic instability increase the likelihood of a financial crash.

The Bottom Line

Offshoring industrial production was initially seen as a solution to rising costs and pollution. However, as fossil fuel supplies dwindle and geopolitical tensions rise, this strategy poses significant financial risks.

Understanding the connection between energy, industrialization, and economic stability is crucial as a primary argument for learning from our current situation and avoiding future global financial vulnerability as a result of industrial offshoring.

Not even a gold-backed currency can save an economy if it is not industrially self reliant.

Read the full, detailed article from Our Finite World here: https://ourfiniteworld.com/2024/05/21/reaching-the-end-of-offshored-industrialization/

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Jim Rickards Predicts a Gold-Backed BRICS Currency Amid Stagflation Fears

Economy Express: 6-13-2024

In this compelling analysis, renowned economist Jim Rickards shares his bold prediction of a potential game-changer in the global monetary landscape: a gold-backed currency within the BRICS alliance.

Against the backdrop of looming fears of stagflation—a concerning economic phenomenon characterized by slow growth and high inflation—Rickards explores the implications of such a move.

With his keen insights, Rickards delves into the motivations behind this speculative shift, highlighting the growing distrust in traditional financial instruments like US treasuries.

Jim Rickards Predicts a Gold-Backed BRICS Currency Amid Stagflation Fears

Economy Express: 6-13-2024

In this compelling analysis, renowned economist Jim Rickards shares his bold prediction of a potential game-changer in the global monetary landscape: a gold-backed currency within the BRICS alliance.

Against the backdrop of looming fears of stagflation—a concerning economic phenomenon characterized by slow growth and high inflation—Rickards explores the implications of such a move.

With his keen insights, Rickards delves into the motivations behind this speculative shift, highlighting the growing distrust in traditional financial instruments like US treasuries.

Join us as we unravel the complexities of Rickards' forecast and delve into the potential ramifications for the global economy.


MAJOR G7 DECISION Signals the Collapse of Western Led Global Financial System

Lena Petrova: 6-14-2024


China Cut US Imports And Increase BRICS Imports: What Next

Fastpo: 6-13-2024

In a strategic move, China shift from U.S. corn, a move that is altering international trade dynamics and impacting agricultural markets.

Let's examine the significant reasons behind China's 27.3% reduction in U.S. corn imports in 2022, which is part of a broader strategy to strengthen domestic supply chains and reduce geopolitical risks.

This shift is driven by high U.S. corn prices, geopolitical tensions, and supply disruptions due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has curtailed Ukraine's corn exports, prompting China to look for alternative suppliers


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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Afternoon 6-14-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

First, enlarge the chart above so you can get the full picture where you will see the last two charts at the bottom.

Take a look at the two bottom sections of this chart on the US Debt Clock. If you look at it closely, you will see thatthe production rate is not meeting the demand and supply rate.

As you can see from the numbers, the demand and supply is way above production.When the need rises as it will for our utility tokens on the QFS, prices will rise including our tokenized (gold) assets on the new market.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Afternoon 6-14-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

First, enlarge the chart above so you can get the full picture where you will see the last two charts at the bottom.

Take a look at the two bottom sections of this chart on the US Debt Clock. If you look at it closely, you will see thatthe production rate is not meeting the demand and supply rate.

As you can see from the numbers, the demand and supply is way above production.When the need rises as it will for our utility tokens on the QFS, prices will rise including our tokenized (gold) assets on the new market.

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (5)

So, the shipping industry along with gold are in process of finding equilibrium that will enable the stabilized production of goods to synchronize themselves with stabilized prices in tokenized assets.

There is a shift in attention towards credit valuation adjustments taking place. This is where the fun begins. US Debt Clock

© Goldilocks


Let's sum up a little bit from the last article posted last night and this morning. On the Moscow Exchange, we have local currencies currently being traded.

This will enable countries to individually synchronize their gold with their shipping correlations through tokenized assets.

As these assets are interfaced on the QFS, real-world assets can now find real-world values as they are traded on the market.

As these new prices that form on the Moscow Exchange begin to solidify, we will notice a domino effect Globally as currencies and goods begin to exchange Internationally. This is the starting point. This is where it all begins.

This is a process determined by supply and demand revealing price determinations through price actions that take place on the market.

© Goldilocks

Last Night's Article

Russian economy forced into China pivot after sanctions bombshell |Newsweek

Goldilocks Room MessageLink


Sovereign Wealth Fund Announcement:

"Hong Kong: New Sovereign Fund Starts Deploying Capital" The first batch of investments and start-ups begin this month. Why?

The purpose of a Sovereign Wealth Fund is to move onto the Global Market the assets and startup pools of liquidity in a country on the International stage through the liquidity provided by the SWF.

Hong Kong's new "tokenized assets" are in process of being interfaced onto the QFS. These new real-world asset prices based on real-world values will begin to reset and correlate themselves with new market chart patterns.

As they are being formed, movement into actual prices going forward will be gradual and not a shock to the system. Asian Investor Toptal

© Goldilocks


World Federation of Exchanges says tokenization’s main benefit is fractionalization |Ledger Insights

The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), the global trade body for stock exchanges and clearing houses, today published apaper on tokenization.

On balance, it was critical of the concept, although it concluded that it “may be the next phase for traditional assets."

It found that the primary benefit of tokenization is fractionalization. And by making fractional assets available to a larger pool of investors, there’s potential to enhance liquidity.
WFE,Published Paper


Do wholesale CBDCs compete with bank services? |Ledger Insights

Most banks are not keen on retail central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) because they fear it will lure away bank deposits. The recent support by theAmerican Bankers Association for the anti-CBDC Bill is evidence of this.Wholesale CBDCs – the ones only usable by institutions – were considered useful for banks.

However, some institutions are keener than others, often depending on the application of the wholesale CBDC. Executives in the securities services sector are usually the most enthusiastic. On the payments side, JP Morgan’s Umar Farooq appeared to have reservations during last month’s Consensus event.

CBDCs American Bankers Association Wholesale CBDCs


Iraq's Development Road may link with China's Belt and Road |Iraq Business News

l-Sudani outlined Iraq's interest in developing gas projects to boost the manufacturing and fertilizer industries, adding value to the economy and creating job opportunities. He proposed presenting potential sites to CNPC for integrated energy projects comprising oil and gas production, processing plants, power plants, and petrochemical refineries.


Risk of a global trade war if U.S. administration changes: Barclays |Youtube


And the trade war begins...
... at the end of this trade war, new credit valuation agreements will be signed.

© Goldilocks.


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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, June 13th and you’re listening to the big call, I'm welcoming everybody all around the globe within the sound of my voice, as a result of the Starlink satellite system that my SAT team is piggybacking on for us to get out to quite a few countries, close to 200 countries, and quite possibly 25 million listeners. .

All right, let's talk a little bit about the Intel. Again. It's not going to be a long Intel segment, because we have is strong, but it's not a whole lot to base our lives on - what we're getting from, I'm going to call it some of our military sources saying that the notifications for us in 4B are to come out over the next 48 hours, which, to me, is Friday or Saturday. That's what we're looking for the next two days.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, June 13th and you’re listening to the big call, I'm welcoming everybody all around the globe within the sound of my voice, as a result of the Starlink satellite system that my SAT team is piggybacking on for us to get out to quite a few countries, close to 200 countries, and quite possibly 25 million listeners. .

All right, let's talk a little bit about the Intel. Again. It's not going to be a long Intel segment, because we have is strong, but it's not a whole lot to base our lives on - what we're getting from, I'm going to call it some of our military sources saying that the notifications for us in 4B are to come out over the next 48 hours, which, to me, is Friday or Saturday. That's what we're looking for the next two days.

And we know, for example, that the Iraqi dinar has been on the forex and trading upward, and also on the bank screens, they can see it trading upward, and it made some nice moves in the last two days, from just over $4 - $6, probably on its way to $8 now, and it's just each moving up and because being traded, and that's what we want to see. Want to see that happening

Now for bondholders, what they're getting is that they should have their notifications also in the next couple of days, which looks really to me, like Saturday for them, - they get that email that says they have access to funds on Saturday that is also lining up with what I believe should be our email to set our appointments and begin our exchanges.

So that's what we're looking at right now, I'm sure there's probably a couple of other little things also going on. Here's one of them. Remember, we were looking for the Iraqi budget to be put in the Gazette last we're gonna say last Wednesday, right? Which was yesterday. Didn't happen, but one of our sources is saying, come hell or high water, it will be in the Gazette on Saturday.

Today's Thursday, so Friday, Saturday, in two days, we would have the budget, which contains the rate of the dinar in the Gazette, the official publication of Iraq on Saturday. But that should be great. That happens. We're in good shape. We're ready to go. We've had them say this time and time again.

The caveat is, let's, let's let it manifest to us when it happens. But right now, that's the best and only information that we're getting – I’m excited about it. And I think that you should be too.

But as always, we have to watch this stay in faith for it, and I believe for everything to come through like we’re hearing - but everything is what's happening when it comes to people being picked up arrests, that type of thing is going great guns.

They're just absolutely going, fantastically behind the scenes . We don't really see it. The public won’t see it, but we know this is happening from our military sources,

So that's really the Intel for tonight. I'm glad everybody is hanging in there staying with us. I know it's difficult. I know it’s tough, but I will tell you, this is what we're seeing, is what we're hearing, and we're looking forward to this coming to fruition very, very soon.

All right, Let that be enough for you, tonight - And let's just pray this thing in you guys and see where it is and when we're gonna see it. I'm looking forward to getting it either tomorrow or Saturday, all right, so let's pray the call out

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-11-24REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:50


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-6-24REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 50:20


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 56:00


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-28-24REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:00


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-21-24REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:15


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:23


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-14-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00


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